Latest SBTool and PPT

We have posted a the latest version of SBTool and also an updated descriptive PPT that explains the structure and features of all iiSBE tools, including SBTool for buildings and SNTool for neighbourhoods.

Nils Larsson

SNTool 2022 released

The 2022 version of SNTool for small urban areas is now available. We attach the XLS file set and also an updated PPT descriptive file.

Comments and suggestions are encouraged and should be sent to:

Nils Larsson: and
Andrea Moro:

A year-end retrospective


iiSBE underwent a two-year hibernation during the pandemic and is now being re-booted. We have successfully used Zoom to stay in touch with key members in various countries, and we also carried out various tasks that are suited to the use of Zoom.

Tom Woolley chairs a UK climate committee

Tom Woolley, a long-time iiSBE member, tells us that he is now chair of the UK Clean Air Steering Committee which involves him in a lot of work with various Universities, Government departments and research councils. You can see the news content at:

Amidst all this activity, he has published a new book. Tom's address is:

Open access journal Buildings and Cities launched

Richard Lorch, a long-term supporter and advisor to iiSBE and former Editor of Building Research & Information (BRI) journal, has now launched his own on-line open-access and peer-reviewed journal, titled Buildings and Cities, which is exceeding the quality of his former publication. Recent special issues include: mass retrofit, urban densification, carbon metrics and climate justice. You can see it at: