The SBE Secretariat has received three detailed proposals to host the 2023 World SBE conference. The proposals were submitted by teams from Glasgow, Shenzhen and Montreal and have now (April 2) been distributed to the SBE partners for evaluation. The schedule for the evaluation process is as follows:
2 April: Detailed proposals distributed to SBE partners
6 April: SBE partners submit follow-up questions for proponent teams
9 April: Draft evaluation forms distributed to SBE partners
14 April: Final evaluation forms distributed to SBE partners
17 April: SBE partners submit completed evaluations to SBE Secretariat
20 April: Composite evaluation summary distributed to SBE partners
21 April: Videoconference for SBE partners
28 April: Official summary of videoconference distributed to SBE partners
04 May: Results of World SBE23 selection announced, distributed and posted
SBE staff