38th IAHS World Congress on Housing Science 2012, April 16-19, Istanbul, Turkey

Organised by:
International Association for Housing Science, USA, www.housingscience.org

Co-organised by:
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, www.itu.edu.tr

Main theme:
Visions for the Future of Housing: Mega Cities


  • Innovative design
  • Innovative construction schemes
  • Innovative financing systems
  • Effective management for housing projects

Important dates

  • Abstract submission: August 15, 2011
  • Acceptance of Papers: October 1, 2011
  • Final Paper Submission: January 1, 2012
  • Congress: April 16-19, 2012

For further detail see attached 2nd Call for Papers or visit congress website at www.iahshousing2012.itu.edu.tr.

Buildings and Construction as Tools for Promoting More Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production

The March 2010 issue of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION BRIEFS, published by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), is based on the work of the Marrakech Task Force on SBC.
This brief report, which was compiled by Kaarin Taipale, is an introduction to the concept of Sustainable Buildings and Construction, and includes references to policy tools to promote it.
The publication can also be downloaded at:


Research Design for the Study of Passivhaus Modernisation Processes & Technologies: The RENORD Project

Attached a paper by Inge Vestergaard and David Benjamin. It was presented at the 2010 Nordic Passivhouse conference and deals with Passivhaus type Renovations of Existing Buildings.

From Global Climate Change to Low Carbon Cities. The Triple Bottom line Revisit.

Attached a paper from Wynn Chi Nguyen Cam about the integrated approach to low carbon cities by re-interpreting the triple bottom lines in "three dimensions".

Exergy & Planning (conf. SREX), Delft - The Netherlands, hold September 22 - 2011

The SREX (Spatial planning and exergy) research project was initially meant to develop exergy based criteria to be able to plan and choose the most optimal locations for new housing, based on renewable energy potentials. One of the spin-offs of the project was a website “heat mapping’, showing the potential of subsoil heat for heating and cooling buildings with heat-exchangers and heat pumps, for all of the Netherlands.
(heat=warmte in dutch)
However going further down in the matter and explore the role of renewable materials as well, the main question came out to be turned upside down. In fact, any location has a maximum exergy potential, which should be decisive for the total activities to be developed or established in the system. In other words, the renewable to gain potential in any region (with known conversion technologies) is guiding for a sustainable exploration.
This was one of the presentations during the Conference on the issue: Spatial planning and exergy.
Location: Delft, the Netherlands
Date: 22 September 2011

Ronald Rovers, RiBuilT
Research Institute Built environment of Tomorrow www.ribuilt.eu